Published December 17, 2016 By Adam Lowenstein

Screen Shot 2016-12-13 at 1.20.43 PMWe are so fortunate to now have better medications and great surgical options for the treatment of migraine headaches. We have com a long way! This article talks about the surgeon Aulcasis in the 10th century who used to make incisions in the temples and put garlic inside them to cure his migraine patients. I’m betting that on a rare occasion he cut the zycomaticotemporal nerve while trying that and actually did cure the headache! Today we know better and go right for the nerve release, and we forego the garlic.
If you have chronic migraine headaches, call The Headache Center at Montecito Plastic Surgery at 805-969-9004 to see if you are a candidate for migraine surgery in the modern age!


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